Saturday, October 16, 2010


This article describes my relationship with India perfectly:

I agree with and have experienced every single thing this woman writes. Well, except I've never actually hit a person (though I have wanted to, and certainly have screamed like a mad woman to the point where I didn't recognize myself), nor have I ever had my drink spiked. And replace seeing someone falling under a train with seeing someone on a motorcycle being hit (and killed) by a bus.

India, despite our at-times rocky relationship, I will always love you.

University of Maryland Elephants?

This is a picture of my landlord's living room (taken on my cell phone, hence the poor quality):

I was, of course, nothing less than shocked to see a University of Maryland rug on his floor. Of all the universities in the world and on sports-themed rugs, he chose the one from my home state! That's just crazy. It turns out he did not know what "Maryland" meant (he thought it was a word, not a place or university) and thought the terrapin was actually an elephant. Yes, he thought a turtle was an elephant. Fear the Pachyderm?